From Kim Pugliese & Lacey, West Hills, California:
"Hello Marc, I want you to know just how much I truly appreciate your expertise and I can speak for Lacey - who can now have a normal life free of her allergies all made possible through your never ending search to help our furry friends maintain optimum health in a completely natural way. I know you couldn't possibly hear this enough but you have been a blessing to me and Lacey. I am so fortunate to have met you when I did as you know the condition of Lacey when you first saw her. And, Jan who consistently stays on top of everything and goes above and beyond to make sure Lacey's needs are met in a moments notice. THANK YOU !! for everything you have done. Sincerely, Kim Pugliese and Lacey"
Hello, I am Marc Bittan. I've been a veterinarian since 1987 - but I knew I wanted to be a veterinarian since I was the age of 8 !!
All the things I did from that time and graduating veterinary school could only be called traditional. Conventional medicine was all I knew as I was growing up. Thankfully I can say that it was kept to a minimum. The majority of family medicinal situations, pets included, were bandages, stitches, and casts. In fact, my idea of being a vet was doing surgery and saving animals lives after they were hit by a car.
Well, certainly, healthcare for pets is a lot more than that. In fact, my favorite courses in veterinary school were immunology and pharmacology. But, It was a time when I thought modern technology had, or would have, all the answers.
When I began to practise veterinary medicine I soon found that I wasn't seeing too many pets hit by cars, but I was seeing a lot of allergies, auto-immune diseases, and cancer - and I was using pharmacology to fix it. Because I kept seeing these patients over and over again, and they were taking so many drugs, I found myself constantly discussing the side-effects of these drugs. Many of the discussions revealed deep and destructive side effects. Not that I had any alternative to offer at the time, but I did feel I a responsibility here. This is before I really understood the deeper and more insidious effects of allopathic medicine.
Endless yearly multiple vaccines are given without question, because the manufacturers say so, even though there is no evidence that immunity wears off. There is a big difference in giving a patient antibiotics for bacterial pneumonia or chronic skin problems , and endlessly prescribing doses for allergies.
So how did I begin with holistic medicine? On myself. Seeing is believing - feeling is believing.
I was sceptical, but because of personal circumstances, I tried acupuncture and homeopathy, and the results were dramatic. I began to read.
My concept of health changed. I saw that rather than focusing on an absence of disease, it's what Chinese medicine calls "radiant health", balancing the system of body, spirit and mind. It involves nutrition, exercise, and natural forms of medicine. Rather than attacking, killing, and suppressing, it's more about helping the body to heal and balance itself.
When I opened my practice, Holistic Veterinary Healthcare, in 1995, my idea was to do preventative and pro-active medicine, but I soon found I was concentrating on geriatrics and chronic degenerative disease. I was using detox and drainage remedies to counter the years of allopathic medicine that suppresses the immune system, organs, and endocrine glands, right down to the cellular level.
After thousands of cases, the results have been dramatic. When people tell me that their pets with cancer are acting more robustly than they have in the last five years, I tell them to let me see their other pets for preventative care, so they might more effectively avoid the cancer all together.
Holistic Veterinary Healthcare
My approach to natural healing focuses on greater well being, and anti-aging, as well as reversing the processes of degenerative diseases. The various protocols are the same as in human alternative medicine. Good nutrition and nutritional supplements as the basis of good health. Herbs, homeopathic, and its modern tangent, acupuncture and chiropractic make up the majority of my healing protocols.
I offer a range of homeopathic and herbal, remedies and treatments, that you can
Order Online from this web site. You can choose what you consider necessary for your pet from the descriptions given, or you can book a Phone Consultation with me and we can discuss your pet's health together.
The ideal situation is preventative medicine which would begin during pregnancy.
Good whole food nutrition and supplements to make the body as robust as possible.
Bach flowers to affect the emotional energy, homeopathic to affect the parental
Miasms and Chinese herbs for the parental and offspring's jing.
We're often presented with less than ideal situations - years of vaccines, pesticides, paraciticides. As problems occur, injuries, infections, surgeries, antibiotics, steroids and the like compromise the situation more.
So I'm likely to encounter pets who are older and who have been through a lot even if we wouldn't call them "sickly" (unfortunately many are) but they are breaking down.
The most common problems I consult on and treat are allergies, arthritis, autoimmune disease, chronic infections, chronic degenerative diseases, behavior problems, and cancer.
As a D.V.M. I can say there is no substitute for good diagnostics- blood work, ultra sound, endoscopy, etc. But good diagnostics are no substitute for a thorough examination and consultation.
When this is done I have the best chance of choosing the most appropriate combinations of Holistic modalities. If you're local to Los Angeles that can include Acupuncture and Chiropractic treatments at my Los Angeles Treatment Center.
For those far from Los Angeles, I am offering a few different treatment plans. I can do personal Consultations by Phone and design a very specific and individualized course of treatments. This is continued with periodic recheck consultations with changes and additions to treatment as necessary.
For those who want to take a more generic and less involved approach, the owner can fax a diagnosis of their pet's problem from their veterinarian with treatment notes and lab work. I will put together a basic program for the problem. More about this consultation Click Here
For those who want to have their pets on a Wellness Program of Preventative Healthcare you can Fax or Email a letter about what their goals are for their pets health and we can put a program together.
If your pet has had a complicated or diverse medical history a personal consultation is recommended.
All holistic treatments can be used along with whatever treatments your regular Veterinarian is prescribing. Written material is provided for each herb, homeopathic and supplement that is sent to you.
Dr. Marc Bittan D.V.M. Holistic Veterinary Healthcare 22775 Pacific Coast Highway (PCH), Malibu, CA 90265. [ MAP ] 310-231-4415 (phone)